Glenora Wind Farm
Glenora Wind Farm Designated Activity Company (DAC) has applied to An Bord Pleanála for planning permission for the construction of a wind energy development in Glenora and adjacent townlands, near the village of Ballycastle, Co. Mayo. The proposed development is being brought forward in response to local, national, regional and European policy regarding Ireland’s transition to a low carbon economy, associated climate change policy objectives and to reduce Ireland’s dependence on imported fossil fuels for the production of electricity.
The proposed wind energy development will encompass 22 No. wind turbines with blade tip height of 180 metres (m) above the top of the foundation The application meets the threshold for wind energy set out in the Seventh Schedule of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 to 2023, on foot of a notice issued by An Bord Pleanála (the Board) on 9th May 2023 and is therefore being submitted directly to An Bord Pleanála as a Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) in accordance with Section 37E of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 to 2023, as amended.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report accompanies the planning application for the proposed development submitted to the Board. The planning application is also accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement.
It is a requirement of the Board that the applicant creates a specific website to include all of the application documentation.